A little breath

Hands-on to implement a simple UVM ambient with RAL

The missing inner components

Let's take a breath with all the new RAL stuff to see something that we already know:

  • Interface

  • DUT

  • Monitor

  • Driver

  • Transaction

This entire page can be skipped and the full code can be obtained at Source Code page if your only goal is to learn the RAL components. But I think it is important to know at least the interface and transaction, once the RAL commmunicates with this last one.

The Interface

The interface is very simple. The block diagram is shown below:

Interface diagram

The functionality is very intuitive. If valid = 1'b1:

  • If the write_en rises, then the addr and data_w must be passed together.

  • If the write_en is at low level, the output data_r will send the reading from the addr passed by addr.

The interface will have two clocking blocks, one to driver and another to monitor. It will also have two modports, a master and slave.

interface cthulhu_interface(input logic clk,rst_n);
  logic [11:0] addr;
  logic        write_en;
  logic        valid;
  logic [7:0]  data_w;
  logic [7:0]  data_r;
  clocking driver_cb @(posedge clk);
    default input #1 output #1;
    output addr;
    output write_en;
    output valid;
    output data_w;
    input  data_r;  

  clocking monitor_cb @(posedge clk);
    default input #1 output #1;
    input addr;
    input write_en;
    input valid;
    input data_w;
    input data_r;  

  modport DRIVER  (clocking driver_cb,input clk,rst_n);
  modport MONITOR (clocking monitor_cb,input clk,rst_n);
endinterface : cthulhu_interface


Okay, I'm not a Designer, I'm a Verifier, so ignore any bad practice in this implementation. The DUT will consist in basically two always_ff, the first will write/read from registers. The second will update the Read-only values given some conditions explained at Register Block page. So, the code will be like:

module cthulhu_manager(
    input         clk,
    input         rst_n,
    input  [11:0] addr,
    input         write_en,
    input         valid,
    input  [7:0]  data_w,
    output [7:0]  data_r

    life_st life; 
    sanity_st sanity;
    status_st status;
  	logic [7:0] t_data;
    assign data_r = t_data;
    always_ff@(posedge clk, negedge rst_n) begin
        if(~rst_n) begin
            life   <= 0;
            sanity <= 0;
        else if(write_en & valid) begin
                12'h100: life   <= data_w;
                12'h200: sanity <= data_w;
                default: life   <= data_w;
      	else if (!write_en & valid) begin
              12'h300: t_data <= status;
              default: t_data <= 8'b0;

    always_ff@(posedge clk, negedge rst_n) begin
        if(~rst_n) begin
            status <= 0;
        else begin
            if(life.current_health == 'h0) begin
                status.is_dead <= 1'b1;
                status.is_wounded <= 1'b0;
                status.is_healthy <= 1'b0;
            end else if(life.current_health < life.max_health/2) begin
                status.is_dead <= 1'b0;
                status.is_wounded <= 1'b1;
                status.is_healthy <= 1'b0;
            end else begin
                status.is_dead <= 1'b0;
                status.is_wounded <= 1'b0;
                status.is_healthy <= 1'b1;

            if(sanity.current_sanity == 'h0) begin
                status.is_mad <= 1'b1;
                status.is_going_mad <= 1'b0;
                status.is_sane <= 1'b0;
            end else if(sanity.current_sanity <= sanity.max_sanity/2) begin
                status.is_mad <= 1'b0;
                status.is_going_mad <= 1'b1;
                status.is_sane <= 1'b0;
            end else begin
                status.is_mad <= 1'b0;
                status.is_going_mad <= 1'b0;
                status.is_sane <= 1'b1;


endmodule : cthulhu_manager

The Driver and monitor

There is no big deal with Driver and monitor. The complete code will be available at Source Code.


The transaction also is very simple:

class cthulhu_transaction extends uvm_sequence_item;

    rand bit [11:0] addr;
    rand bit        write_en;
    rand bit [7:0]  data_w;
    rand bit [7:0]  data_r;


    function new(string name = "cthulhu_transaction");

Now, our diagram is more colored:

UVM diagram

CC BY-SA 4.0 João Pedro Melquiades Gomes. Last modified: February 02, 2023. Website built with Franklin.jl and the Julia programming language.